Monday, April 15, 2013

What Tumblr Expects of Its Users

Tumblr has now emerged as a highly effective platform that is allowing businesses to win new followers by showcasing their products and services to them.

SynapseIndia feels incumbent upon itself to apprise its readers of the benefits that Tumblr as a social media platform offers to different businesses, which have now found a new tool to pursue online marketing more persistently. Every social networking site requires its users to follow a given set of techniques and Tumblr is no different. If you are really keen to know what your approach should be, you could follow the guidelines written below. It is possible that as you  put the techniques discussed by us into practice, your may efforts may start to bear fruit and your active presence on Tumblr could become a really fruitful exercise.

SynapseIndia will now give a gist of what is expected of a user who has just taken to Tumblr:

1. Make Your Content Interesting

Although this instruction need not be reiterated as it is more of a requisite, you have to ensure that your content is interesting. It is a given that the more interesting your posts are, the greater will be the likelihood that people will read and reblog them. On taking note of the posts that their followers reblog, an account holder on Tumblr can come to know of the kind of content that they need to share with others. Once a user has got a hang of what their followers want, they could try to create interesting content that is quickly approved by their community.

It is advisable to keep a post short and sweet and add a picture to it if possible. Very few visitors prefer to read a long post in its entirety. If you really feel the need to write a long post, you can do so by breaking your entire write-up into short paragraphs. A user will be in the wrong if they simply transfer their content on Twitter and Facebook to their account on Tumblr.

2. Interact actively

Currently, Tumblr serves as one of the best platforms for businesses to interact regularly with their clients. A business on this social networking site can easily be approached by other users who could ask just about any kind of question that they want. What's more, a business can be anonymous in answering the questions of its followers. When a question is answered publicly, every follower will be able to see it and pitch in with their comments if need be.

A business that answers its questions anonymously is likely to receive criticism as well. However, instead of feeling down on being criticized, a company could actually benefit from criticism by  viewing it as an opportunity to introspect and resolve the issues that its followers have talked about.

3. Practice Reblogging

A hallmark of an active user on Tumblr is that they will partake in reblogging. On reblogging the content of its followers, a business shows that it values their opinion

On taking our recommendations into consideration and following them earnestly, a user on Tumblr could start tapping into the opportunities that the social platform provides them with.

SynapseIndia @ Google+

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