Thursday, February 28, 2013

When Generating Leads Seems Like Gathering Collectibles

Your leads may seem like collectibles when you start spending extensively on your lead generation strategy. Some may find this analogy quite bizarre. After all, how can leads be compared to stamps or figurines? The truth, however, is that a similarity does exist. A company expending its funds on lead generation could be compared to a collector of art who is often required to choose from different options and make sizable payments off and on. In order to get the best out of any situation, exercising moderation holds the key. A habit, when not reined in, could easily turn into a vice. On keeping a tight rein on its lead generation policy, a company can prevent itself from spending excessively.

So, now that you have become cognizant of the similarity between generating leads and gathering collectibles, know of the tricks and pitfalls too that a collector has to be mindful of. A hobby remains enjoyable and fulfilling as long as discretion is exercised. On not being selective, one can start to feel disillusioned later on. Your resources are very dear to you. Spend them in such a way that you never fail to get a bang for your buck. The following guidelines issued by SynapseIndia could very well serve as a checklist for any organization that is keen on tending to more clients over the Internet:

(a) No dearth of collectibles – If you are really an avid collector, there will always be something that will catch your fancy. Once you are through with collecting stamps, you may develop a liking for coins. Nothing beats the collection of books whose supply will always remain inexhaustible. You may take your cue from here and tell yourself that there will never be a shortage of leads. This assertion becomes stronger on considering that the Internet brings the entire world to your feet.

(b) Random selection – A hobby must always have an element of randomness attached to it. Some of the best choices are often made randomly. It often happens that a collector spots an item that strikes their fancy and they are unable to prevent themselves from buying it. An organization may have clear-cut strategies but if it randomly comes across a lead that could give its sales a strong boost, the opportunity shall not be allowed to go waste. Such kind of opportunities come your way when your vigilant at all times.

(c) That which is rare – The moment something becomes rare, its value and demand witness  an unprecedented rise. When the bidders are too many in number, there can be an auction. A collector's fascination with a classic movie or a book that has gone out of print can prompt them into paying a hefty amount for what will become their prized possession. Don't you think that lead generation is devoid of the rarity factor. Every now and then, an organization may come across a unique opportunity to do business with a client, which if not availed of successfully, may fail to come back again.

"SynapseIndia" believes that lead generation, like collection of valuable things, is an art and as you learn its tricks, you start to become adept in it.                     

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wise Up to the Latest Mobile Trends

The year is 2013 and if as an organization, you have still not formulated your mobile strategies, it is high time you did the needful. Enterprises can be a bit sluggish in their approach but the cliche 'better late than never' seems more relevant now than ever before. It is important for marketers to know of the existing trends and the corresponding action that each demands from them. The companies of today are required to formulate a multi-year strategy that can push them forward in the future. The need of the hour really is to invest resources in the form of time, money and people in mobile.

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New Requirement, New Responsibility

Mobile marketing has gained so much significance that is likely to have an entire team with different designations working dedicatedly for it. A renowned research firm opined that the "role of mobile marketing manager will emerge." The corporate world is now assigning some hitherto unheard-of designations to a section of its workforce. A few years back, one seldom heard about  the "VP of Mobile". An organization today already consists of different departments and to set up one more could become a hassle. The truth, however, is that mobile as a resource demands time and attention if it is to fuel organizational growth.

"Mobile on the cheap is over. Implementing the complex technology to make the most of mobile opportunities requires a new vision of how to interact with customers, significant changes in culture and competencies across business and IT, and more investment," said a research firm analyst.

Latest Trends – Corresponding Action

We are currently living in an era, which is characterized by a growing usage of smartphones and tablets. By formulating smart policies and restructuring its set-up, an organization can try to avail itself of the new opportunities. SynapseIndia will now shed light on some of the latest trends that demand resourcefulness from marketers:
  • As the new form of marketing requires formal processes and governance, marketers will be required to create a separate governance group.
  • The role of mobile marketing manager shall be assigned to a senior executive who can shoulder the responsibility dutifully.
  • The need for a dynamic team must be addressed with due adherence to the long-term strategy.
  • In order to bring about a total change in their marketing approach, marketers can include a range of variables in their strategies.
  • As the significance of tablets is catching up with that of smartphones, marketers will have to pay heed to both the devices when they devise their strategies.
  • Desktop operating systems are one thing, smartphone platforms are another. Marketers need to be mindful of this.
  • Roping in the services of IT professionals is advisable as expenses are likely to increase when new mobile services are enabled.
  • Smartphones will surely come in handy in reaching out to the consumers of the markets that are going to emerge in the future. Consequently, marketers must always think of achieving more.                
On putting the aforementioned suggestions into practice, an organization can expect its campaign to start shaping up.
SynapseIndia @ Pinterest

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Online Users Abandoning Shopping Carts Frequently

 SynapseIndia @ SheWrites

Many will agree that all those who transfer different items to a shopping cart do not necessarily buy all of them. According to a recent study and its results from a renowned survey group shed light on this aspect of consumer behavior that leaves sellers ruing a missed opportunity. The respondents of the survey consisted of online buyers from the United States who were asked why they abandoned online shopping carts midway. There were different explanations and all seemed extremely plausible. SynapseIndia will now discuss the reasons that prompt a buyer to think better of seeing through an online transaction that involves the use of shopping carts.

Different Theories

57% respondents said, "I was not ready to purchase, but wanted to get an idea of the total cost with shipping." This statement is not hard to believe as all of us have done something similar while surfing any one of the different e-commerce websites over the Internet. 56% said, "I was not ready to purchase, but wanted to save the cart for later." This too is a common practice. You could have an account on an e-commerce site and your shopping cart there may consist of a few items that you might think of buying at a later date. 55% respondents said, "Shipping costs made the total purchase cost more than expected." It is not necessary that every online store will exempt its users from paying shipping charges. When an online user sees that the total purchase cost has increased with the addition of shipping charges, they may halt their transaction and end it abruptly. 51% said, "My order value wasn't large enough to qualify for free shipping." How often has it happened that you  visited an online store to buy a product and became despondent on realizing that you will have to buy something more in order to avoid the shipping cost? Lastly, 40% respondents said, "Shipping and handling costs listed too late."

Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate Consistently High

Shopping cart abandonment rates have been in the range of 60% over the last four years, which means that six out of ten shoppers did not buy the items that they transferred to their cart. The abandoning of a shopping cart does not always mean that the user did not want to complete their transaction. It often happens that a consumer visits more than one online store to compare the prices of the same product. In other cases, a cart is often treated as a shopping list that comes in handy to online buyers by offering them more convenience.

The survey brought forth two contrasting results that are worth mulling over. On one hand, the add-to-cart rate over the last five quarters has increased by 2% and on the other, the cart conversion rate has decreased by 2.7%. There is another reason why cart abandonment rates have been inflating of late. Smartphones are in vogue these days and after transferring items to their shopping cart on a their handset, many mobile phone users finish the transaction on their PC.

SynaspeIndia services may have an answer to your concern involving shopping carts. Continue reading SynapseIndia Reviews to learn of other developments from the world of technology.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Facebook Celebrates Its 9th Birthday

The world's largest and the most popular social networking website, Facebook, has turned 9 years old today on February 4. So, you see that the community website will soon be completing a decade. SynapseIndia, through this write-up, will walk readers through the Facebook journey so far. It was on February 4 2004 that Mark Zuckerberg of Harvard University first launched Facebook. Zuckerberg then was a sophmore. A year before, he had launched the initial version of the site known as Facemash that was blocked by Harvard authorities who felt that the information on the site had been culled out illegally from their administration records. Facemash became The before the name was finally changed to Facebook.

Mind-Boggling Figures

To say that the records and statistics concerning Facebook will leave you dumbfounded will be an understatement. In 2005, Facebook allowed its users to upload photos and 8 years down the line, there are over 219 billion pictures to be seen on the website. Post September 2006, anyone over 13 could join Facebook and become its member. News Feed too was incorporated the same year. The widely famous 'Like' was introduced in February 2009 and unbelievable though it may seem, Facebook has witnessed over 1.13 trillion 'likes' thus far.

There's Been an Evolution

Over the last 9 years since its introduction, Facebook has undergone an evolution. The Wall has given way to the Timeline, which was introduced in September 2011 and was subsequently made compulsory for every user in January 2012. Last year, the company went public by offering its shares to general people. The hype, however, did not last very long and the company's stock started to take a beating.

Earlier, one required a PC to gain access to Facebook but as users started visiting the social networking site on their mobile phone, its popularity simply skyrocketed. One can say that Facebook went on an app-releasing spree last year by providing users with Camera, Poke, a Facebook Messenger each for both iOS and Android, and Instagram, the mobile photo editing and sharing app.

More in the Pipeline

Last month, Facebook announced that it was going to launch Graph Search, which would allow users to search for places, people, photos, likes etc. There have been privacy concerns with regard to Graph Search but what is available now is just the Beta version. The main product will be released toward the end of the current year.

It seems there is no end to Facebook's quest for innovation. If the recent reports are genuine, there is a new status composer in the pipeline, which could allow users to select an emoticon as they update their status. There might be an entirely range of status updates that users can choose from. Through the use of these status updates, you can let others know whether you are reading, eating or listening to music.

Facebook is set to evolve even further. This isn't a prediction but an assertion made by Mark Zuzckerberg himself. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the numbers involving Facebook will leave you astounded. Facebook currently is firmly perched at the top with 1 billion users. Google Plus comes a distant second with 343 million users.

We hope that you found this SynapseIndia Facebook review insightful.