Monday, February 4, 2013

Facebook Celebrates Its 9th Birthday

The world's largest and the most popular social networking website, Facebook, has turned 9 years old today on February 4. So, you see that the community website will soon be completing a decade. SynapseIndia, through this write-up, will walk readers through the Facebook journey so far. It was on February 4 2004 that Mark Zuckerberg of Harvard University first launched Facebook. Zuckerberg then was a sophmore. A year before, he had launched the initial version of the site known as Facemash that was blocked by Harvard authorities who felt that the information on the site had been culled out illegally from their administration records. Facemash became The before the name was finally changed to Facebook.

Mind-Boggling Figures

To say that the records and statistics concerning Facebook will leave you dumbfounded will be an understatement. In 2005, Facebook allowed its users to upload photos and 8 years down the line, there are over 219 billion pictures to be seen on the website. Post September 2006, anyone over 13 could join Facebook and become its member. News Feed too was incorporated the same year. The widely famous 'Like' was introduced in February 2009 and unbelievable though it may seem, Facebook has witnessed over 1.13 trillion 'likes' thus far.

There's Been an Evolution

Over the last 9 years since its introduction, Facebook has undergone an evolution. The Wall has given way to the Timeline, which was introduced in September 2011 and was subsequently made compulsory for every user in January 2012. Last year, the company went public by offering its shares to general people. The hype, however, did not last very long and the company's stock started to take a beating.

Earlier, one required a PC to gain access to Facebook but as users started visiting the social networking site on their mobile phone, its popularity simply skyrocketed. One can say that Facebook went on an app-releasing spree last year by providing users with Camera, Poke, a Facebook Messenger each for both iOS and Android, and Instagram, the mobile photo editing and sharing app.

More in the Pipeline

Last month, Facebook announced that it was going to launch Graph Search, which would allow users to search for places, people, photos, likes etc. There have been privacy concerns with regard to Graph Search but what is available now is just the Beta version. The main product will be released toward the end of the current year.

It seems there is no end to Facebook's quest for innovation. If the recent reports are genuine, there is a new status composer in the pipeline, which could allow users to select an emoticon as they update their status. There might be an entirely range of status updates that users can choose from. Through the use of these status updates, you can let others know whether you are reading, eating or listening to music.

Facebook is set to evolve even further. This isn't a prediction but an assertion made by Mark Zuzckerberg himself. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the numbers involving Facebook will leave you astounded. Facebook currently is firmly perched at the top with 1 billion users. Google Plus comes a distant second with 343 million users.

We hope that you found this SynapseIndia Facebook review insightful.             

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