Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wise Up to the Latest Mobile Trends

The year is 2013 and if as an organization, you have still not formulated your mobile strategies, it is high time you did the needful. Enterprises can be a bit sluggish in their approach but the cliche 'better late than never' seems more relevant now than ever before. It is important for marketers to know of the existing trends and the corresponding action that each demands from them. The companies of today are required to formulate a multi-year strategy that can push them forward in the future. The need of the hour really is to invest resources in the form of time, money and people in mobile.

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New Requirement, New Responsibility

Mobile marketing has gained so much significance that is likely to have an entire team with different designations working dedicatedly for it. A renowned research firm opined that the "role of mobile marketing manager will emerge." The corporate world is now assigning some hitherto unheard-of designations to a section of its workforce. A few years back, one seldom heard about  the "VP of Mobile". An organization today already consists of different departments and to set up one more could become a hassle. The truth, however, is that mobile as a resource demands time and attention if it is to fuel organizational growth.

"Mobile on the cheap is over. Implementing the complex technology to make the most of mobile opportunities requires a new vision of how to interact with customers, significant changes in culture and competencies across business and IT, and more investment," said a research firm analyst.

Latest Trends – Corresponding Action

We are currently living in an era, which is characterized by a growing usage of smartphones and tablets. By formulating smart policies and restructuring its set-up, an organization can try to avail itself of the new opportunities. SynapseIndia will now shed light on some of the latest trends that demand resourcefulness from marketers:
  • As the new form of marketing requires formal processes and governance, marketers will be required to create a separate governance group.
  • The role of mobile marketing manager shall be assigned to a senior executive who can shoulder the responsibility dutifully.
  • The need for a dynamic team must be addressed with due adherence to the long-term strategy.
  • In order to bring about a total change in their marketing approach, marketers can include a range of variables in their strategies.
  • As the significance of tablets is catching up with that of smartphones, marketers will have to pay heed to both the devices when they devise their strategies.
  • Desktop operating systems are one thing, smartphone platforms are another. Marketers need to be mindful of this.
  • Roping in the services of IT professionals is advisable as expenses are likely to increase when new mobile services are enabled.
  • Smartphones will surely come in handy in reaching out to the consumers of the markets that are going to emerge in the future. Consequently, marketers must always think of achieving more.                
On putting the aforementioned suggestions into practice, an organization can expect its campaign to start shaping up.
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