Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ads on Facebook To Offer 22% More ROI

Here is an interesting piece of news that is sure to please online marketers to no end – As you display ads over Facebook, your ROI is likely to increase by 22%. This is not just an assumption but a fact that was shared by Brad Smallwood, Facebook's head of measurement and insights, at the Advertising Research Foundation's conference in New York. Mr. Smallwood said that his company had increased the return on investment on 22 recent campaigns comprising data from 70 million users by 22%. The official shared figures and news from his company's own database as well as that of Datalogix, which keeps a tab on the conversions from Facebook ads.

While Facebook itself has enough data that allows it to come to grips with the purchasing habits of its users, Datalogix, a company that specializes in digital media and integrated database marketing, too endeavors to increase online and offline sales through the purchasing information that it has access to.

Mr. Smallwood further added that Facebook would now help different brands to tailor their advertising campaigns as per the behavior of their buyers, from casual to hardcore. Here is what he said:

"As we dig further and further into the data, we’re able to get a segment-level understanding of what’s working — so understanding for heavy product purchasers that you should have a different frequency (of advertising messages for) the low product purchasers."

Small Businesses Likely To Benefit From New Strategy

So, now that you know what Facebook is up to, you should not for once think that your account on the social networking site will be taken advantage of. Facebook will not be identifying any name to different corporations. Instead, it will simply connect its data with that of Datalogix in a 'double-blind' method.

An official from Facebook itself has claimed that the ads on networking site will now offer 22% more ROI than before. So, SynapseIndia believes that it will be interesting to see how small business owners react to this latest bit of information. As advertisers are provided with the data pertaining to purchasers, they could start targeting buyers who are likely to bring them the maximum amount of profit. The data provided by Facebook could also let an organization know of the customers that its competitors are catering to.

It has been discovered that 50% of the TV commercials and digital ads fail to come to the notice of their target audience. SynapseIndia is of the view that with the initiative taken by Facebook, it is possible that at least the statistics concerning digital ads could show an improvement.

What Marketers Need To Do

There are several factors that marketers who are keen on realizing their online goals need to take cognizance of. To begin with, a business must know when and how people are purchasing its products. In addition to this, an organization must also try to learn what else its customers are buying and who its competitors are. As marketers combine their findings with the new advertising strategy, it is possible that they could achieve stronger results.   

SynapseIndia @ Foursquare

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