Sunday, March 3, 2013

Internet Surfing on Mobile Devices Gaining Momentum

The Internet is no longer synonymous with PCs. The desktops and laptops of today are being given a good run for their money by smartphones and tablets. SynapseIndia took cognizance of the latest search trends is hereby sharing its observations with its readers. In the United States, desktop media may still be twice as powerful as the one involving mobile phones but the scenario is changing. Compared to desktops, users are spending 14 times more time on mobile media. If the current scenario continues for the next two years, the two will probably be at par with each other. Time, however, is not the only criterion to perceive this change. There are other indicators too, which point at the upturn in mobile media.

Smartphones/Tablets vs Desktops

Today, smartphones and tablets are contributing significantly to the generation of Internet traffic. The results of a recent survey showed that mobile devices accounted for 10.3% of the global Internet traffic in October 2012. This was the first time that the contribution from mobile devices had exceeded 10%. In fact, on considering the data pertaining to apps, one may find that hand-held devices may have made further inroads. The people of the United States are smitten with smartphones and tablets that have together been instrumental in creating nearly one-third of the total web traffic. The result of a survey showed that as of June 2012, 7.1% traffic in North America originated from tablets whereas 20.3% owed its genesis to smartphones. Desktops, however, continued to reign supreme with a lion's share of 71.5%.

Internet Surfing Finds New Platfrom

The prerogative of desktops with regard to viewing websites was challenged by mobile devices. Experts from SynapseIndia believe that the year gone by has witnessed numerous discussions on extending the web experience on mobile devices and the clamor is likely to become louder in 2013. Today, websites that have not been optimized for smartphones are likely to be left behind by their competitors, which are fine-tuned for the new requirement.

As time passes by, consumers are likely to become more demanding than before. Mobile-based and responsive websites aside, consumers today are requesting brands that they create apps for the leading mobile platforms. Here are some plausible reasons why mobile-based websites are likely to become the future:
  • Currently, more than 700 million users are surfing the Net through their mobile phone.
  • Internet surfing via mobile phones is now becoming the order of the day. As different brands tap into this new phenomenon, they will grow faster.
  • The easy accessibility of the Internet on mobile phones has had a bearing on consumer behavior. Today, a consumer is likely to do a research on their handset in order to inquire about a product before they finally decide to purchase it.
  • The stupendous success of e-commerce has now given rise to m-commerce, which stands for mobile commerce. As the exponents of m-commerce create a mobile-friendly site, they can offer several benefits to mobile users in the form of price comparisons, product reviews, discounts, promotions etc.        
The trend is picking up and it is possible that soon every company will feel incumbent upon itself to optimize its website for mobile users.          

SynapseIndia @ Foursquare

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